Living Forward

Living Forward Book Review

Living Forward by Michael Hyatt is a powerful book that has changed the way I think.  During a tumultuous time, it guided me to step back and truly define my priorities, discern about what God was calling me to do, and ponder what I really wanted in life.  I mentioned this book in my series Correcting Our Course.

Yes, this post is part of the Getting Things Done (GTD) series and Living Forward is a different book by another author.  However, I couldn’t go on to GTD without first mentioning Living Forward.  

GTD is a great help in efficiency and productivity, but NOT in figuring out the right things to get done!  We’re all busy.  We’re all getting SOMETHING done, right?  But are we doing what is truly important to us?  What are the RIGHT things for us to focus on getting done?  That’s where Living Forward is the perfect complement to GTD.

My review of Living Forward from Goodreads:

Are you wondering if you are making the right decisions to guide your life according to your values? This book is a practical yet inspiring guide to designing your own life plan. If you feel adrift in commitments and responsibilities that seem to be steering your decisions for you, stop and read this book!

You have the same number of hours in a day as everyone else and only you get to decide how to use each and every one. Living Forward helps you to plan out how to use your time according to your calling, gifts, and goals. 


The book leads the reader through an in-dept process of creating a detailed life plan.  It does take some time and energy to complete.  He recommends taking an entire day to step through this process.  While it is certainly an exercise worthy of an entire day, as moms we don’t often have the luxury of a “day off”.  So, you could complete it over the course of a few days; that’s what I did.  Or check out my busy mom-friendly version in Correcting Our Course.

Psalm 90:12

So teach us to number our days
    that we may get a heart of wisdom.