Jeni O’Neill, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach & National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach


Jeni was an incredibly helpful coach! She gave me practical guidance and resources I wouldn’t have otherwise had. She helped me set realistic goals for myself, and I’ve been able to work toward those goals thanks to her encouragement and insight. Working with her was a gift for my wellbeing! – Kelly

Having Jeni as my health coach was like sitting down and chatting with a girlfriend! She shared her experiences, ideas, and even some recipes with me. She was very easy to talk to and made the experience very comfortable! – Deb

I felt like I was floundering and not making the progress I wanted to. Working with Jeni helped me to solidify my goals, develop concrete ways to tackle them, and hold me accountable through the logging progress. In looking back, I have made a lot of big accomplishments and feel more confident as I continue my journey. – Anna

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Rustic Sausage, Sweet Potato & Kale Soup

[recipe title=”Rustic Sausage, Sweet Potato & Kale Soup” servings=”4-6″ preptime=”15 mins” cooktime=”20 mins” difficulty=”easy” description=”A savory, hearty soup with just a little kick. It’s also a crowd-pleaser that even my kids will eat, despite the kale!”] [recipe-ingredients] 1 tablespoon avocado oil 1 medium onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 large sweet potato, diced 1 …

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