Moving Toward Your Calling

So, how did it go?  What areas of your life did you feel God calling you to change?

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, take a minute to read my last post when I challenged you to spend some time praying and seeking God’s direction.

Do you feel that you are entering into a new season of life and need to prune some items from your schedule and/or home?

Maybe you feel called to start on a new personal or professional endeavor.

Maybe you need to spend some time and effort focusing on your health.

Maybe there is a relationship in your life that needs some specific attention.

Maybe you need to spend more time seeking God in prayer and His Word.

Maybe your things have become a distraction and need some pairing down.

Maybe you need to stop comparing your life (or children, or home) to others and need to step away from activities that encourage you to compare.

Maybe your schedule needs to be reworked.

Ok.  Bad news first.  You don’t have a magic wand and neither do I.  You’re going to have to choose to move toward a life that aligns with your values.  If you have a vision of where God is leading you, you can choose to move toward that.  That was what the Magic Wand session was about.

Know that God will give you the grace to do whatever He has called you to do.

Now you have a wonderful place to start.  The fabulous news is that these things are the beginnings of goals, and goals are the beginnings of change.   You can move toward that picture in your head of how your life might be.  But you need to stay focused if you really want to get there.  You will need to pray, seek the Lord, and be obedient where He leads.

I can do all things through him who gives me strength. –  Philippians 4:13

Your next step is this: briefly and clearly list each of your objectives as a goal.

They don’t have to be specific or measurable at this point, just a high level goal.  You don’t even need to know how you’ll get there.  And they don’t need to be prioritized.  Just get them all down as individual goals.

They can be stretch goal like running a marathon or moving across the country.  Or they can be simple like my goal of reading more.  You might have 3 or you might have 20.  No matter.  Just write them down someplace where they won’t get lost – preferably in Evernote, someplace else on your phone, or in a journal or notebook.

For example, here is a portion of my list:

I feel God calling me to:

  1. Be a better steward of my body.
  2. Just Write.
  3. Be diligent and intentional in how I spend my time.
  4. Read more.

So, go ahead and give it a try.  Take your notes from your magic wand session and write down a goal for each area.

Do you feel God calling you to change something about your life?  Leave a message in the comments so that we can cheer each other on!

Then check my next post in the series, What’s in Store for You This Season?,  where we will break down our goals into short-term, manageable actions and schedule them.