Showing 9 Result(s)

What No One Tells You About Keeping Chickens

The Definitive Moment… When life changes, there is sometimes a specific point in time when the shift becomes the new norm. Life can feel like a whirlwind, but there are those quiet moments when it strikes you, moments when you think, yes, this is definitely different. We wake up and truly feel the turn our …

Prune your life

How to Prune Your Life

Do you ever wish you could prune your life? Once in a while, wouldn’t it be nice to trim back to what is essential? This morning I bent over 12 tomato plants, pinching off perfectly good, green foliage. I clipped the low-hanging branches of each plant, and then removed the suckers. Afterward, the plants looked …

What Seeds Will You Plant Today?

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson In these days of drive-thru food, instant streaming, Amazon Prime Now, and a world of information in our palm, we often focus on the harvest. We want to see results NOW. I am often tempted …

Private schooling

Lessons from Private School

While I have loved homeschooling, it began to be problematic with one of my children. As an extrovert, my daughter gains energy from being around other people. She thrives with rigid structure. As she got older, homeschooling became a battleground. We both started to realize that, for the sake of our relationship, I needed to …


What Homeschooling Taught Us

When I was first married – almost twenty years ago – we lived down the street from a homeschooling family. My husband and I had no experience with homeschooling, thought it was a crazy thing to do, and did not understand why anyone would choose to homeschool. Sometimes while I was working in the yard, …

We Are Designed to be Challenged

When have you been happiest in your life? Seriously, take a minute to think back and recall when you felt the most alive and thriving. When did you get out of bed in the morning and look forward to the tasks ahead?  When did you feel that you had purpose?  Do you have at least …

What’s in Store for you This Season?

Today is an exciting day.  You will take your first step toward some positive changes.  Do you have your list of goals?  If not, check the previous post in this series here.  If so, today we’re going to select a few to work on and start taking action.  These first steps can change the trajectory of …

hobby farm

Time is Life

You’ve heard the saying, “Time is money.” Well, I would argue that time has a far greater worth. You can make more money, but you cannot make time! Time is NOT money. Time is life. Our lives are composed of the minutes, days, and years that God has given us on this earth. Do you …

What Does it Mean to be a Productive Mom?

Are you being productive with your time? Merriam-Webster defines productivity as having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance Does being a productive mom mean that we get a lot of things done?  Does busy equal productive?  Does it mean that we cross many items off of our list each day?  That we go to …