Showing 7 Result(s)

How to Gain Clarity of Mind

Sometimes fog is visible and we’re aware of it. But it can often pose as humidity that subtly dims our vision. We don’t notice the dullness and weight until the contrast of clarity brings perspective. An early glimpse of fall recently opened my eyes to clarity. The lack of humidity in the air made the …

What Seeds Will You Plant Today?

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson In these days of drive-thru food, instant streaming, Amazon Prime Now, and a world of information in our palm, we often focus on the harvest. We want to see results NOW. I am often tempted …

time tracker

Free Downloadable Time Tracker Worksheet

Last week I posted about using time tracking as a tool to discover more time for those projects or dreams that seem out of reach.  This downloadable Time Tracker worksheet is a helpful guide in experimenting with time tracking.  You might use it for a few days or decide that you want to use it as …

Is Choice the Key to Motivation?

Start by doing what’s necessary; then what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.  – Saint Francis of Assisi Do you ever struggle with motivation or with motivating others in your family or business?   Do you have dreams of someday writing a book, starting a business, being debt-free, improving your health, or changing …

Moving Toward Your Calling

So, how did it go?  What areas of your life did you feel God calling you to change? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, take a minute to read my last post when I challenged you to spend some time praying and seeking God’s direction. Do you feel that you are entering into …

If You Had a Magic Wand…

Do you ever give yourself permission to dream? I mean really be still, pray and spend time seeking Him and the higher things that He has for your life – His goals for you?  I would suggest that, in order to start on the path to being focused on the right thing at the right time, …