Showing 53 Result(s)

If You Had a Magic Wand…

Do you ever give yourself permission to dream? I mean really be still, pray and spend time seeking Him and the higher things that He has for your life – His goals for you?  I would suggest that, in order to start on the path to being focused on the right thing at the right time, …

What Does it Mean to be a Productive Mom?

Are you being productive with your time? Merriam-Webster defines productivity as having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance Does being a productive mom mean that we get a lot of things done?  Does busy equal productive?  Does it mean that we cross many items off of our list each day?  That we go to …

10 Reasons Your To Do List Isn’t Working For You

Every mom I know has multiple lists, projects, tasks, and appointments to juggle. In our modern world, “just” running a household and taking care of kids requires some serious planning and administration if you don’t want to lose your sanity. Add in church or other organization commitments, homeschooling, running a farm, or – heaven forbid …