Showing 53 Result(s)
Do you have Decision Fatigue?

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

Does Decision Fatigue Affect You? What is that project or task you are avoiding and putting off? Come on, don’t tell me you don’t have one. We all do. Think about it. What is the item that keeps getting bumped from one list to the next? What thing do you walk by and wish you …

negative bias

Learning to Look Beyond the Weeds

Weeds, Weeds, and More Weeds This time of year, crabgrass, clover, dandelions, and sorrel are everywhere I look. The weeds taunt me and whisper threats. It feels as though if I don’t remove them, they will take over that flowerbed, the entire yard, the farm, and maybe my life. I will never get rid of …

Prune your life

How to Prune Your Life

Do you ever wish you could prune your life? Once in a while, wouldn’t it be nice to trim back to what is essential? This morning I bent over 12 tomato plants, pinching off perfectly good, green foliage. I clipped the low-hanging branches of each plant, and then removed the suckers. Afterward, the plants looked …

Health Direction

What is Your Health Trajectory?

What is Your Health Trajectory? Today you have made choices that will affect your health, either positively or negatively. Think of the choices (conscious or not) you have made today that are likely to improve your health as well as those that are likely to reduce it. Like a bank account, we want the positives …

What Seeds Will You Plant Today?

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson In these days of drive-thru food, instant streaming, Amazon Prime Now, and a world of information in our palm, we often focus on the harvest. We want to see results NOW. I am often tempted …

wedding gift ideas

Choose a Time-Tested Wedding Gift

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7 Spring is in the air and many of us are adding weddings to our calendars. As you think about a wedding gift for a new couple, are you searching for a gift would be useful to them …

time tracker

Free Downloadable Time Tracker Worksheet

Last week I posted about using time tracking as a tool to discover more time for those projects or dreams that seem out of reach.  This downloadable Time Tracker worksheet is a helpful guide in experimenting with time tracking.  You might use it for a few days or decide that you want to use it as …