Showing 87 Result(s)
GTD Prioritization

What Comes First, the Chicken or the Egg?

Lack of time is actually lack of priorities.  – Tim Ferris in The 4-Hour Workweek Does your day look different when you have a plan? For me, the answer is, “Absolutely”!  Even if I have a to-do list, if I haven’t made a plan of what to do when, my day starts out in a …

Simple GTD for Moms

Simple GTD for Moms: The Top 3 Card

Hopefully you have used the Simple GTD for Moms system to load almost all of your tasks and projects into your system – whether that’s on paper or on your phone.  What do you do with them now?  You can’t do all of these things at once and you likely can’t do them all today or … App Review App Review

I’m taking a break from GTD today to do an app review for  Please note that I have not received any compensation for writing this post, nor will I receive anything even if you install  I just think it’s such a useful tool that I want to tell everyone about it! Have you …

Declutter mind GTD

Decluttering Your Mind Using GTD

Decluttering your mind happens with a “brain dump” of all of those swirling tasks into a system that you trust and will review often. You can only feel good about what you’re not doing when you know everything you’re not doing.  – David Allen in Getting Things Done In the last post in the Simple …

GTD for Moms

How to Create a Simple GTD for Moms System

Today’s post gets into the details of how I use GTD everyday.  Simple GTD for Moms allows me to see exactly what I have to do or want to do so that I can think logically – without the emotional overwhelm – about how to approach my day. In this post, I’ll introduce some basic …

Getting Things Done

What is GTD?

How can I pursue the dreams that God has placed on my heart when I can’t even remember to order my daughter’s lunch or send my mom a birthday card?   I want to be able to look my child in the eyes and focus on her without distraction and without a dozen thoughts racing …

Living Forward

Living Forward Book Review

Living Forward by Michael Hyatt is a powerful book that has changed the way I think.  During a tumultuous time, it guided me to step back and truly define my priorities, discern about what God was calling me to do, and ponder what I really wanted in life.  I mentioned this book in my series …

I Love You, So Please Do the Dishes

Our kids grow up quickly and I recently discovered that my expectations of them have not been keeping pace. My eyes were opened during dinner at a friend’s house.  Who knew that a 12 year old could masterfully handle all the dinner dishes?  For a family of 11?  Every night?  I didn’t. My friend floored …