Showing 8 Result(s)

Why We All Need a Little Solitude

One of my girlfriends has a waterproof notepad and pencil in her shower.  Did you know that such a thing exists?  I didn’t!  It’s genius because we all know that great ideas often strike in the shower.  But have you ever wondered why? Yesterday I was pondering that question…you guessed it, in the shower.  Why …

Time boxing

Using Timeboxing to Reduce Decision Fatigue

As I’ve been pondering decision fatigue lately, I’ve also been reading about what others are doing to reduce its effect on them.  One concept that has been intriguing to me is timeboxing. Timeboxing is simply limiting an activity to a set period of time. For example, you might set a timer for processing emails and …

time tracker

Free Downloadable Time Tracker Worksheet

Last week I posted about using time tracking as a tool to discover more time for those projects or dreams that seem out of reach.  This downloadable Time Tracker worksheet is a helpful guide in experimenting with time tracking.  You might use it for a few days or decide that you want to use it as …

Weekly Review

The Gift of the Weekly Review

The primary reason for organizing is to reduce cognitive load – i.e. to eliminate the need to constantly be thinking, “What do I need to do about this? – David Allen in Getting Things Done The weekly review ensures that your system stays current, keeping your tasks, calendar events, and projects in your system and …

Do the Important Things – Part 2

In my last post, Do the Important Things – Part 1 , I wrote about some things we can do to make it easier for us to step toward our goals.  This post is a continuation of that topic. We are creatures of habit.  Some habits move us toward our goals and are in line with our …

Do the Important Things – Part 1

Separating what is important from what’s not is half the battle on the journey to change.  In these times of constant distraction and endless opportunity, it is easy to get drawn into the fear of missing out and fill our schedules so full that there is no time or energy to prioritize. After you have …

hobby farm

Time is Life

You’ve heard the saying, “Time is money.” Well, I would argue that time has a far greater worth. You can make more money, but you cannot make time! Time is NOT money. Time is life. Our lives are composed of the minutes, days, and years that God has given us on this earth. Do you …