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time tracker

Free Downloadable Time Tracker Worksheet

Last week I posted about using time tracking as a tool to discover more time for those projects or dreams that seem out of reach.  This downloadable Time Tracker worksheet is a helpful guide in experimenting with time tracking.  You might use it for a few days or decide that you want to use it as …

Weekly Review

The Gift of the Weekly Review

The primary reason for organizing is to reduce cognitive load – i.e. to eliminate the need to constantly be thinking, “What do I need to do about this? – David Allen in Getting Things Done The weekly review ensures that your system stays current, keeping your tasks, calendar events, and projects in your system and …

To Write or to Type: That is the Question.

I’m a sucker for a new gadget!  As an Information Systems Consultant in my “previous life”- before kids – I embraced new technologies.   Sometimes for their own sake and creativity.  I still enjoy experimenting with new gadgets and apps, especially those that can actually save me time or effort. But I also know that …

10 Reasons Your To Do List Isn’t Working For You

Every mom I know has multiple lists, projects, tasks, and appointments to juggle. In our modern world, “just” running a household and taking care of kids requires some serious planning and administration if you don’t want to lose your sanity. Add in church or other organization commitments, homeschooling, running a farm, or – heaven forbid …