What’s in Store for you This Season?

Today is an exciting day.  You will take your first step toward some positive changes.  Do you have your list of goals?  If not, check the previous post in this series here.  If so, today we’re going to select a few to work on and start taking action.  These first steps can change the trajectory of …

Moving Toward Your Calling

So, how did it go?  What areas of your life did you feel God calling you to change? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, take a minute to read my last post when I challenged you to spend some time praying and seeking God’s direction. Do you feel that you are entering into …

What Does a Chicken Have to do with a To Do List?

I’m taking a time-out from productivity and goal setting to answer a question. If you’ve been reading my posts, you might wonder, “What’s up with your pictures?”  or “What does a chick have to do with a to-do list?” In my life, the answer is, “Quite a bit!” I take my own pictures around our farm …

hobby farm

Time is Life

You’ve heard the saying, “Time is money.” Well, I would argue that time has a far greater worth. You can make more money, but you cannot make time! Time is NOT money. Time is life. Our lives are composed of the minutes, days, and years that God has given us on this earth. Do you …

If You Had a Magic Wand…

Do you ever give yourself permission to dream? I mean really be still, pray and spend time seeking Him and the higher things that He has for your life – His goals for you?  I would suggest that, in order to start on the path to being focused on the right thing at the right time, …

What Does it Mean to be a Productive Mom?

Are you being productive with your time? Merriam-Webster defines productivity as having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance Does being a productive mom mean that we get a lot of things done?  Does busy equal productive?  Does it mean that we cross many items off of our list each day?  That we go to …

10 Reasons Your To Do List Isn’t Working For You

Every mom I know has multiple lists, projects, tasks, and appointments to juggle. In our modern world, “just” running a household and taking care of kids requires some serious planning and administration if you don’t want to lose your sanity. Add in church or other organization commitments, homeschooling, running a farm, or – heaven forbid …