Why Do You Cook?

Is cooking important to you?  Have you ever thought about why?  Or why not? Today we actually do have the option to simply not cook.  We can eat out, buy packaged or prepared food at the grocery store, or choose from a myriad of food preparation services available to us.  So why would a person …

An Inconvenient Egg

As I stood in the Costco checkout line staring at the orange slime dripping from my fingers, I struggled to figure out what the substance was. At first I thought that I had somehow put the smoothie sample from the Vitamix demo man in my pocket.  No.  This was slimy.  Then it struck me that …

We Are Designed to be Challenged

When have you been happiest in your life? Seriously, take a minute to think back and recall when you felt the most alive and thriving. When did you get out of bed in the morning and look forward to the tasks ahead?  When did you feel that you had purpose?  Do you have at least …

Did Grandma Do Whole30?

What has been is what will be,     and what has been done is what will be done,     and there is nothing new under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 1:9 I am not under any delusions that I am living anything approaching a minimalist lifestyle.  I have way too many full kitchen cabinets, we have too many animals, …

Focus Like Grandma – In the Kitchen

This past weekend, we celebrated my grandmother’s 90th birthday.  She is a joyful, feisty woman with a servant’s heart and a contagious laugh – all packed in a 5 foot frame.  I absolutely adore her. I have been thinking a lot lately about how different our child-rearing time of life is from those of our …

To Write or to Type: That is the Question.

I’m a sucker for a new gadget!  As an Information Systems Consultant in my “previous life”- before kids – I embraced new technologies.   Sometimes for their own sake and creativity.  I still enjoy experimenting with new gadgets and apps, especially those that can actually save me time or effort. But I also know that …

Do the Important Things – Part 2

In my last post, Do the Important Things – Part 1 , I wrote about some things we can do to make it easier for us to step toward our goals.  This post is a continuation of that topic. We are creatures of habit.  Some habits move us toward our goals and are in line with our …

Do the Important Things – Part 1

Separating what is important from what’s not is half the battle on the journey to change.  In these times of constant distraction and endless opportunity, it is easy to get drawn into the fear of missing out and fill our schedules so full that there is no time or energy to prioritize. After you have …